"Teacher's Choice" (and others)

The Collection "Teacher's Choice" is an on-going project of devising simple dances to reinforce the figures taught in classes.  It is hoped that they contain enough variety of figures and movement to ensure that even experienced dancers find them enjoyable to dance.  No "recommended music" is suggested - it is left to the teacher to select suitable music that the dancers will enjoy.

THE MEOLS REEL  (R8x32)  3C (4C set)                                    David A Haynes

 1- 8 1L followed by partner dancing in tandem crosses down to dance reel of 3 with 2M+3M
 9-16 1M followed by partner dancing in tandem crosses down to dance reel of 3 with 2L+3L
17-24 1s dance reflection reels of 3 on own sides (1s in & down to start)
25-32 1s dance down middle & cast up behind 3s to 2nd place, 2s+1s+3s turn RH


EE BA GUM BU'R'AM CAUD (R8X32) 3C (4C SET)           Teacher’s Choice      David A Haynes

 1- 8

1s cross giving right hands, cast to 2nd place (2s step up on bars 3-4); 1s turn with the right hand (4 bars) to finish on opposite sides, facing 1st corners (1M facing 3L, 1L facing 2M)


1s dance reels of 3 on the sides, 1M & 3L, 1L & 2M passing Right Shoulders to begin. 1s finish back to back in the middle of the set facing 1st corners


1s set to 1st corners and turn them giving Right hands, finish facing 2nd corners; 1s set to 2nd corners and turn corners Right hands to finish with 1M between the 2s facing 2M, 1L between the 3s facing 3L


Left Shoulder Reels of 3 across (6 bars), (1M passes 2M, 1L passes 3L by left shoulder to begin); 1s cross giving right hands to 2nd place on own sides on bars 31-32


MORE IN HOPE (J8x32) 3C (4C set)                             Teacher’s Choice      David A Haynes

 1- 8

1s set, cast behind own lines, meet below 3s and lead up to top, finish facing out


1s, 2s & 3s dance mirror (reflection) reels of 3 on sides
(1s dance out and down, 2s in and up, 3 out and up to start)


1s cast to 2nd place, 2s dance up to top place. 1s set, 1s & 3s dance Right Hands across once round


2s & 1s dance Rights and Lefts


THE DEVIL’S IN THE DETAIL (R4X32) 4C                       Teacher’s Choice      David A Haynes
 1- 8 1s dance full Figure 8 round 2
 9-16 1s lead down the middle (2s step up on 3-4), 1s divide, cast up behind 3s & 4s into 2nd place, own sides
17-24 1s dance Reels of 3 across, 1M with 2s (RSh to 2L), 1L with 3s (RSh to 3M)
25-32 1s cross RH and cast to 3rd place (3s step up), 1s cross LH and cast to 4th place (4s step up)


JUST WARMING UP (J8x32) 3C (4C set)                        Teacher’s Choice      David A Haynes

 1- 8

1s set, cast to 2nd place and taking nearer hands, dance down between the 3s, cast up into 2nd place
(2s step up on bars 3-4)


1s dance Right Hands across with the 2s, 1s dance Left Hands across with the 3s


1s lead down the middle (4 bars) and lead back into 2nd place
25-32 2s & 1s dance Rights and Lefts.


TEN YEARS ON (J4 x 32) 4C                                                          David A Haynes
 1- 4 1st lady & 2nd man, 3rd lady & 4th man cross giving right hands and set
 5- 8 1st man & 2nd lady, 3rd man & 4th lady cross giving right hands and set
 9-12 2s & 1s, 4s & 3s, dance half rights and lefts
13-16 1s, taking right hands, lead down, cross below the 3s and cast up to 2nd place on opposite sides
(2s step up on bars 15-16)
17-20 1st man with 2nd & 3rd ladies, 1st lady with 2nd & 3rd men, dance half reels of three on sides
(1s dance in and up, 2s down and out, 3s up and out to start reels)
21-24 1s, taking left hands, lead down, cross below the 4s and cast up into 3rd place on own sides
(2s step up on bars 23-24)
25-28 1s dance half reels of 3 on own sides with 2nd & 4th couples
(1s dance in and up, 2s out and down, 4s out and up to start reels)
29-32 1st & 2nd men, 1st & 2nd ladies set to each other on the sides and change places giving left hand.
Finish in order 3, 4, 2, 1


WIRRAL RAMBLER (S4X32) 4C                Ken Cackett (Milford Club, New Zealand)
 1- 2 1s & 4s turn with 2 hands, 1¼ times to finish in a line in the middle of the set (men facing down, ladies facing up)
 3- 6 1s & 4s dance ½ reel of 4 to finish on wrong sides
 7- 8 4s & 1s set while 2s & 3s dance Left Hands across ½ way round to finish on sidelines - all now on wrong sides
Order is now 4,3,2,1
 9-12 All chase ½ way round to finish in original places
13-16 All dance back-to-back
17-24 2s/3s dance full figures of 8 round 1s/4s
25-32 1s change places with 2s (1M right hand, 1L left hand), change places with 3s giving other hand, change places with 4s (1M right hand, 1L left hand); 1s set to each other

Ken danced with RSCDS Wirral Branch during a visit to the UK in May and June 2009. Inspired by the warm welcome he received he devised the above dance which he presented to the Branch on his departure. Many thanks Ken.

MARGARET'S JIG (J3x32) 3C set                             RSCDS Wirral Children's Class
 1- 8 1s lead down the middle for 4 steps, turn halfway to face up on opposite side and lead up the middle with 2 steps to finish in 2nd place on opposite sides. 2s step up on bars 3 & 4
 9-16 2s and 1 s dance Ladies Chain.
17-20 1s and 3s dance RH across.
21-22 1s cast to 3rd place WHILE 3s retain RH and dance up to 2nd place.
23-24 1s cross RH to own side.
25-32 2s, 3s & 1 s circle round and back.
Repeat from new places.

This dance was devised by members of the RSCDS Wirral Branch Children's Class in July 2010 to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Children's Class.

Suggested music: "The Huncote Jig" Track 3 on CD The Silver Collection Leicester Branch - David Cunningham & his Scottish Country Dance Band 

All dances © copyright of the respective devisers, published here with permission

Copyright © 2013 www.rscds-wirral.org.uk - Web Design D A Haynes